Coenonympha thyrsis, Crete-photo © K. Bormpoudaki
My deepest gratitude is expressed to L.N. Pamperis for his essential contribution to this website, providing photos, valuable information, and advice about the butterfly species of Crete. In particular, distribution maps, information, data, etc., were provided in his book “The Butterflies of Greece” and his website www.pamperis.gr. Both of them are excellent extensive scientific studies on Greek species and are addressed to both non-specialists and researchers, raising awareness about the butterflies’ conservation in Greece.
Ι ‘d also like to express my deep gratitude to:
• Dr Cees Gielis (ex coll. in the Naturalis Museum in Leiden) for his valuable help in the identification/verification of the species of the families Pterophoridae and Alucitidae presented on the website.
• Mag. Peter Buchner (Associate scientist in Naturhistorisches Museum Wien-Zoological Department II) for his valuable help in identifying/verifying the species of the family Depressariidae presented on the website.
• Dott. Giorgio Baldizzone for his valuable help in identifying/verifying species of the family Coleophoridae presented on the website.
Special thanks for the magnificent photographs and videos of living butterflies and moths, as acknowledged below their respective image or in the video description, are also expressed in alphabetical order:
- Afordakos Giorgos
- Afrathianakis Manolis
- Aga Antonia
- Alibertis Antonis
- Almpantakis Charalampos
- Angourakis Zacharias
- Apergi Sofia
- Βairaktaris Xrysostomos
- Bas Yves
- Baxevani Popi
- Cheiladakis Nikos
- Christophides Yiannis
- Dalagiorgos Panagiotis
- Daniels Steve
- Dimadis Xristos
- Edmunds Henry
- Fero Bednar
- Gogolos Marinos
- Gregg Sarah
- Hopkins Paul
- Houtekamer Nelie
- Jeff Dockx
- Kampouropoulos Erastos
- Kapsomenou Chrysoula
- Karala Maija
- Kassotaki Rodanthi
- Katzourou Tonia
- Kasvikis Thanasis
- Liaskos Dimitris
- Makraki Maria
- Makris Christodoulos
- Mamais Theodosis
- Manz Andreas
- Marakis Nikos
- Maraki Petrina
- Markantonaki Georgia
- Markogiannakis Nikos
- Markopoulos Stavros
- Marnierakis Ioannis
- Maroulis Christos
- Michelakes John
- Mpikaki Marianna
- Palimetakis Giorgos
- Papaioannou Seryios
- Papadomanolaki Stella
- Papanikolaou Thanasis
- P. K.
- Pougadaki Krystallenia
- Psirofonia Giota
- Pühringer Franz
- Rinis Giorgos
- Rogn Nils
- Sakoulis Tassos
- Samaritakis Fotis
- Sampathianaki Maria
- Sattin Luca
- Strik Elina
- Tsantakis Manolis
- Tselos Elias
- Turvey Colin
- Tzortzi Euagelia
- Zacharakis Giannis
- Zacharakis Michalis
- Ziegler Heiner
- Zografinakis Polykleitos
- Zorbas Erik
Great appreciation is also expressed to Nikos Gigourtakis, for his interesting introductory note to the world of Cretan butterflies.
Kalliopi Bormpoudaki, Chemical Engineer, MSc in Environmental Design of Infrastructure.