Aposelemis dam, Sfendyli - photo © Ch. Almpantakis
Habitats in Crete – Aposelemis Dam
Aposelemis Dam – A Butterfly Paradise
Aposelemis Dam, a butterfly paradise, is an artificial lake in the inland area of “Lagada" of the Hersonissos municipality.
The visitor who is interested in butterflies can visit the Aposelemis Dam all year long, but best in springtime and summertime when the wild gorgeous plants and flowers are in full bloom.
More than half of the species of butterflies that exist in Crete can be spotted by walking the riparian road of the Dam and exploring the surrounding area of Lagada.

Papilio machaon – photo © K. Bormpoudaki

Iphiclides podalirius – photo © K. Bormpoudaki
Aposelemis Dam – Butterflies Species
Here are the species that can be found in the area:
Hesperiidae: Carcharodus alceae, Gegenes pumilio, Gegenes nostrodamus, Pyrgus armoricanus, Thymelicus acteon
Lycaenidae: Aricia agestis, Cacyreus marshalli, Celastrina argiolus, Lampides boeticus, Leptotes pirithous, Lycaena phlaeas, Polyommatus icarus
Nymphalidae: Argynnis pandora, Coenonympha thyrsis (endemic), Hipparchia cretica (endemic), Lasiommata megera, Maniola jurtina, Pararge aegeria, Polygonia egea, Vanessa atalanta, Vanessa cardui
Papilionidae: Papilio machaon, Iphiclides podalirius
Pieridae: Colias crocea, Gonepteryx cleopatra, Pieris brassicae, Pieris rapae, Pontia edusa
Aposelemis Dam – Location
Aposelemis Dam is a large artificial earthen dam located in the Municipality of Hersonissos, in the area of Lagada, near the villages of Potamies and Avdou, 32 km southeast of the city of Heraklion. The dam is the largest water management project in Crete with a reservoir capacity of approx. 30 million m3.
It creates Aposelemis lake, a reservoir that supplies fresh water to the cities of Heraklion and Agios Nikolaos and other communities along the north coast of Crete. Aposelemis River is one of the largest rivers in Crete, carrying the water of Lasithi Plateau to the dam.
The small village of Sfendili was located inside the dam reservoir and below the filling level, therefore it had to be abandoned. During the seasonal changes the level of the water is changing, so Sfendili is sinking and re-emerging several times, becoming a local attraction.

Pieris brassicae – photo © K. Bormpoudaki

Ardea cinerea – photo © K. Bormpoudaki
Aposelemis Dam – A Priceless Wetland
Nowadays, various species of birds have been sheltered in the Dam, turning the area into a wetland. The Dam is a source of life and a vital factor of growth in the area, as the surrounding villages and the Dam attract visitors being mesmerized by the scenery.
Visitors can also observe birds with striking colors, many of which are migratory, but also many other aquatic species such as dragonflies, fish, pond snakes, etc.