Argynnis pandora, Crete - photo © Ch. Almpantakis
Argynnis pandora
Argynnis pandora is a butterfly of the family Nymphalidae on the island of Crete, Greece.
Scientific name
Argynnis pandora (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
Common name
Mediterranean Fritillary
Family: Nymphalidae > Subfamily: Heliconiinae > Tribus: Argynnini > Genus: Argynnis
Male to female: 70-80 mm
The upper side has a dark yellow-brown, distinctive in flight color, and the black markings of the wings form a very characteristic pattern.
The underside of the hindwing is dull greenish, with two thin silvery-white bands in discal and postdiscal areas, with five small white spots in the postdiscal area and a yellow band in the submarginal area.
Females appear to be larger than males, with larger black marks.
It has a strong fast flight 2-3 m above the ground. The butterfly is not so active during the hot days of summer.
Argynnis pandora in Crete can be found in fields near forests, dry and warm habitats with shrubs such as clearings in dry forests, light shrubland, seaside, bush-rich dry slopes, and similar places.
Food plant
The larva lives on Violaceae plants.
Flight period
The butterfly flies in one generation per year.
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
Argynnis pandora has a unique appearance in Crete and can’t be confused with any other butterflies of the island.
Least Concern (LC)
Argynnis pandora Distribution Map

Argynnis pandora location map based on greek butterflies distributions maps by L.N. Pamperis (revised 2021)