Pieris brassicae, Crete - photo © K. Bormpoudaki
Pieris brassicae
Pieris brassicae is a butterfly of the family Pieridae on the island of Crete, Greece.
Scientific name
Pieris brassicae (Linnaeus, 1758)
Common name
Large White, Cabbage White
Family: Pieridae > Subfamily: Pierinae > Tribus: Pierini > Genus: Pieris
Male to female: 55-70 mm
The general color of the wings is white for both sexes.
On the upper side of the forewing, the male is black-colored near the apex. Females have an additional black band and two round black markings in the postdiscal area. The underside is similar to the upperside, but with grey-yellow colors near the apex.
On the upper side of the hindwing, there is a small black mark, whilst underside it is grey-yellow colored with green shades.
The next generations appear slightly different.
The first butterflies take flight on cool or overcast days. The butterflies are covering vast distances and are exploring all available habitats in search of their foodplants and nectar sources. They keep the wings closed when sitting on the ground or on a flower.
Pieris brassicae in Crete live primarily in open land like agricultural regions, but also parks, gardens, and many other habitats. This species can be found almost anywhere; they often become a pest on cultivated Brassica in farmland.
Food plant
The larva feeds on Brassicaceae, i.e. Brassica oleracea, Sinapis arvensis, Raphanus raphanistrum, Cakile maritime, etc. It also feeds during autumn on Capparaceae, i.e. Capparis spinosa.
Flight period
The butterfly flies in 2-3 generations per year.
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
The Pieris brassicae adults are similar in both appearance and behavior to Pieris rapae; however, the latter is generally much smaller, with the black tip to the forewing upperside being confined to the extreme tip and not extending down the outer edge.
Least Concern (LC)
Pieris brassicae Distribution Map

Pieris brassicae location map based on greek butterflies distributions map by L.N. Pamperis (revised 2021)