Utetheisa pulchella, Crete - photo © K. Bormpoudaki
Utetheisa pulchella (Linnaeus, 1758)
Utetheisa pulchella is a moth of the family Erebidae on the island of Crete, Greece.
Scientific name
Utetheisa pulchella (Linnaeus, 1758)
Phalaena pulchella (Linnaeus, 1758)
Noctua pulchra (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
Lithosia amabilis (Trost, 1801)
Deiopeia thyter (Butler, 1877)
Utetheisa thytea (Rothschild, 1914
Utetheisa nigromaculata (Stetter-Stättermayer, 1939)
Utetheisa rubrior (Stetter-Stättermayer, 1939)
Utetheisa rufomarginata (Stetter-Stättermayer, 1939)
Utetheisa designata (Stetter-Stättermayer, 1939)
Utetheisa confluens (Stetter-Stättermayer, 1939)
Utetheisa delunulata (Stetter-Stättermayer, 1939)
Utetheisa duplolunulata (Stetter-Stättermayer, 1939)
Utetheisa albosignata (Stetter-Stättermayer, 1939)
Utetheisa separata (Stetter-Stättermayer, 1939)
Utetheisa ochreomaculata (Stetter-Stättermayer, 1939)
Utetheisa brunneomarginata (Stetter-Stättermayer, 1939)
Utetheisa rubrogrisea (Stetter-Stättermayer, 1939)
Utetheisa albociliata (Stetter-Stättermayer, 1939)
Utetheisa depuncta (Stetter-Stättermayer, 1939)
Utetheisa unipunctata (Stetter-Stättermayer, 1939)
Utetheisa brunneocephala (Stetter-Stättermayer, 1939)
Utetheisa shyama (Bhattacherjee & Gupta, 1969)
Utetheisa menoni (Bhattacherjee & Gupta, 1969)
Common name
Crimson Speckled, Crimson-speckled Flunkey
Superfamily: Noctuoidea > Family: Erebidae > Subfamily: Arctiinae > Tribus: Arctiini > Genus: Utetheisa
28-45 mm
The moth can be found in coastal dunes, rocky areas, dry slopes, and warm areas.
Food plant
The larva is polyphagous and feeds on the leaves of several plants i.e. Boraginaceae (Borago officinalis, Anchusa italica, Echium italicum, Myosotis), etc.
Flight period
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |