Ephestia woodiella, Crete - photo © K. Bormpoudaki
Ephestia woodiella (Richards & Thomson, 1932)
Ephestia woodiella is a moth of the family Pyralidae on the island of Crete, Greece.
Scientific name
Ephestia woodiella (Richards & Thomson, 1932)
Ephestia unicolorella ssp. woodiella (Richards & Thomson, 1932)
Heterographis bimaculatella (D. Lucas, 1955)
Common name
False Cacao Moth, Phycide de Wood
Superfamily: Pyraloidea > Family: Pyralidae > Subfamily: Phycitinae > Tribus: Phycitini > Genus: Ephestia
14-20 mm
Dry and warm areas.
Food plant
Unlike most of its congeners, Ephestia woodiella is not a pest of dried fruits and seeds in warehouses and can be found out-of-doors, possibly feeding on dried leaves and other plant matter.
Flight period
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
Moths and Butterflies of Europe and North Africa
It is commonly mistaken for Ephestia elutella and other Ephestia species and is generally separable only by genitalia dissection—doubtful identification.