Kretania psylorita (endemic) - photo © L.N. Pamperis
Kretania psylorita
Kretania psylorita is a butterfly of the family Lycaenidae on the island of Crete, Greece.
Scientific name
Kretania psylorita (Freyer, 1845)
Common name
Cretan Argus
Male to female: 25-30 mm
Family: Lycaenidae > Subfamily: Polyommatinae > Tribus: Polyommatini > Genus: Kretania
This butterfly has a rather dull appearance; upperside it is colored brown with grey shades and several orange marks in the submarginal area (larger in females).
The underside of the wings has a light brown-grey color with golden reflections. There are several quite small black marks in the postdiscal area and fainted orange ones in the submarginal area.
Males and females are generally similar.
When the butterfly settles on the ground, it is hardly noticeable, especially with its wings closed. It flies rapidly, close to the ground, and can be spotted flying around its larval food plants.
The butterfly can be found in two high mountains of Crete (950-2,150 m), in extremely rocky places and dry slopes with almost no vegetation, such as sclerophyllous scrub and phrygana.
Food plant
The larva feeds on the endemic Astragalus creticus plants.
Flight period
Kretania psylorita in Crete flies in one generation per year.
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
The butterfly has a unique appearance in Crete and can’t be confused with other butterflies on the island.
Near Threatened (NT)
Its population hasn’t declined by more than 25% in the last 10 years before 2013. However, this species occurs in several protected areas across its range. No specific conservation actions are needed, but since it has a restricted global range, the distribution and trend of Kretania psylorita should be monitored closely.
Kretania psylorita Distribution Map

Kretania psylorita location map based on greek butterflies distributions maps by L.N. Pamperis (revised 2021)