Euchloe ausonia, Attica - photo © Sofia Apergi
Euchloe ausonia
Euchloe ausonia is a butterfly of the family Pieridae on the island of Crete, Greece.
Scientific name
Euchloe ausonia (Hübner, 1804)
Common name
Eastern Dappled White
Family: Pieridae > Subfamily: Pierinae > Tribus: Anthocharini > Genus: Euchloe
Male to female: 45-55 mm
The forewings are white with black tips and a black spot at the end of the cell. The underside of the hindwing is characterized by black and yellow scales, which create a greenish-white variable pattern. The female is generally darker.
It is often seen on roadsides and in areas of cultivation in the early spring. It has a fast and strong flight.
Euchloe ausonia in Crete lives in dry-warm, usually semi-open habitats such as bushy rocky slopes, clear olive groves, forest edges, or dry ruderal terrain.
Food plant
The larva feeds on Brassicaceae , i.e. Sinapis alba, Sinapis arvensis, Erucaria hispanica, etc.
Flight period
The butterfly flies in 2 generations per year.
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
The butterfly could be confused with another Pieridae present on the island, Pontia edusa. Here are some useful tips to spot the difference:
- On the underside of the hindwing, the white marks of Euchloe ausonia appear to be round white and can be distinguished from Pontia edusa, where these marks are irregularly shaped.
- The black discoidal spot is a thin black bar, and not as large as in Pontia edusa.
- There is a white mark near the apex on the upper side of the forewing that is absent in Pontia edusa.
Least Concern (LC)
Euchloe ausonia Distribution Map

Euchloe ausonia location map based on greek butterflies distributions maps by L.N. Pamperis (revised 2021)